Health DataTrust

Trusted healthcare third party

Facilitate the provision of health data between holders and users of health data in compliance with regulations and the protection of patients’ personal data.


SID – Data Intermediation Service

As defined in the European Data Governance Act (DGA – Sept 2023) and regulated by ARCEP in France, a data intermediation service is ‘a service which aims to establish commercial relationships for the purpose of sharing data between an indeterminate number of data subjects and data holders, on the one hand, and data users, on the other, by technical, legal or other means, including for the purpose of exercising the rights of data subjects in relation to personal data’.

To enable healthcare players to comply with the European DGA framework and anticipate the future European Health Data Space (EEDS /EHDS – 2026), Health DataTrust offers a Data Intermediation Service that organises the establishment of relationships, contractualisation and provision of healthcare data.

Our mission

Ensuring that the exchange and sharing of healthcare data is secure, easy and accessible to all. As a Data Intermediation Service, we provide data access via secure protocols and innovative tools to enable secondary re-use of healthcare data.

Why choose Health DataTrust® SID ?

Compliance with the legal framework in force.

Streamline access to data while guaranteeing its protection.

Providing secure tools and protocols.

Encouraging research and innovation in the healthcare field.

Health DataTrust : an essential response for a healthcare ecosystem based on trust and performance.
